RSSセンター - [Completed] Scheduled Downtime
[Completed] Scheduled Downtime
トンボ -トンボ鉛筆 -トンボ玉 -トンボ学生服 - Google News
(2018/10/31 20:26:47)
[Completed] Scheduled Downtime (2013/2/23 20:01:25)
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[Completed] Scheduled Downtime (2013/2/23 20:01:25)
Hello feedlies! A quick heads up: We need to take the service offline tomorrow, Saturday Feb 23rd between 6:00pm PST and 10:00pm PST to make some changes to our database – to improve the performance going forward. If you need urgent access to your feedly during that time, you can use the Google Reader interface . Sorry for the inconvenience.
Live Updates
[18:44 PST] The scheduled maintenance started. We should be back online within 2 hours. Thank you for your patience. We will update this post as the status evolves.
[18:57 PST] Maintenance complete. The service should be back online. Have a great week end.
execution time : 0.049 sec