RSSセンター - Transitioning from Google Reader to feedly
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Transitioning from Google Reader to feedly (2013/3/14 23:53:09)
Google announced today that they will be shutting down Google Reader. This is something we have been expecting for some time: We have been working on a project called Normandy which is a feedly clone of the Google Reader API – running on Google App Engine. When Google Reader shuts down, feedly will seamlessly transition to the Normandy back end. So if you are a Google Reader user and using feedly, you are covered: the transition will be seamless.
If you are a Google Reader, give feedly a try before July 1st, and you will be able to migrate seamlesly:
Feedly for iOS
Feedly for Android
Feedly for Firefox
Feedly for Chrome
Feedly for Safari
Note 1: if you are migrating from Google Reader to feedly, here are some tips on how to personalize feedly to better match your existing workflows . If you have any feature request please add it on our feature request page .
Note 2: if you are a third party developer using the Google Reader API and would like to integrate with Normandy, please send an email to We would love to keep the Google Reader ecosystem alive.
Update 22:24 PST: Bandwidth upgraded. New servers added. Welcome to all the new users.