RSSセンター - 10 new features for a smoother transition
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10 new features for a smoother transition (2013/3/29 0:51:22)
We just released a new update of feedly for Chrome, Firefox and Safari with 10 new features. If you are using feedly on Firefox and Safari, please do a manual upgrade .
Change summary
★ Firefox upgrade from old v10 codebase to latest v14 codebase.
★ A new left selector design. Less loud – more more all caps.
★ Better read/unread contrast
★ Sort alphabetically
★ Denser, cleaner list view
★ n/p keyboard shortcuts.
★ Fast view switching
★ Faster saving.
★ Better LinkedIn integration.
★ Better recommendations.
Memory optimization
Install the latest version now:
Feedly for Firefox
Feedly for Chrome
Feedly for Safari
Feedly mobile
Detailed information
Feature #1. Upgrading feedly firefox from the old v10 code base to the latest v14 codebase. Firefox users will be able to benefit from a lot of the enhancements we implemented over the last 12 months on Chrome. Going forward, we are going to release Firefox, Chrome and Safari all at the same time.
Feature #2. A new left selector design. Less loud – no more all caps. Better contrast between read and unread. Feature #3. Sort alphabetically. More control over how feeds and categories are sorted on the left selector. Either drag and drop and easily re-sort alphabetically.
Feature #4. fast view switching. One of the key features of feedly is that you can easily adapt the format/layout of your feeds to different workflows. We bubbled up that feature in the UI to make easy to try different views and see which one is right for you.
Feature #5. faster saving. We improved the experience for users whose workflow is to quickly scan list views and save for later (aka star in Google Reader).
Feature #6. Denser, cleaner list view. Making the transition from the Google Reader list view to the feedly list view as seamless as possible. Feature #7. n/p keyboard shortcuts. We improved support for the n(ext)/p(revious) keyboard shortcuts. Type ? in feedly to see the list of other keyboard shortcuts we support.
Feature #8. Better recommendations. We improved the feedly curation algorithm used to select the articles which are featured at the top of each page.
Feature #9. better LinkedIn integration. Special thanks to the buffer team for sprinting with us to make the feedly LinkedIn integration as seamless as possible.
Feature #10. Memory optimization. No more memory leaks. No more refreshes while you are reading articles.
Thanks again for all the feedback. Please continue to be vocal and help us spread the word.